UpdateMaker 2 UpdateMaker 2 is an improved descendant of UpdateMaker 1.3. It features: • Multiple-version updates. UpdateMaker 2 updates can convert any one of several "old" files into the "new" file. For example, one update can change Word 4.0A or Word 4.0B or Word 4.0C into Word 4.0D. • Smaller update files. UpdateMaker 2 is generally more intelligent and can track resources that change ID. It also uses a more compact file format. UpdateMaker 2 updates are typically 10-20% smaller than their UpdateMaker 1 equivalents. In some cases they can be 50% smaller. • More control. UpdateMaker 2 has three resource override lists, including a new copy-if-present override category, plus control over what stand-alone applications name the new file and do with the old file when the update completes. • Better stand-alone applications. UpdateMaker 2 applications have a progress bar and a cancel button, and can use customised opening and closing dialogs designed by the update author. • Saves and reads BinHex format. UpdateMaker 2 will directly read and write files in this popular form for network distribution. • Numerous other minor user interface improvements, such as version number displays and user note editing during and after a build. • Not shareware. UpdateMaker 2 is a fully supported commercial application, with a manual. Ordering and pricing Send U.S cheque or money order for US$220 plus $5 post and packing per copy to: ADInstruments, Suite H, 2251 Grant Rd, Los Altos, CA 94024 United States. Telephone (415) 964 2878 Fax (415) 964 2886